What is the Hair Transplant Cost/Price in Kerala?

Hair Transplant Cost in Kerala

Today, the world is changing rapidly and so do the lifestyle of people across the globe that causes more stressful days, leading to the most common problems like hair loss and other lifestyle diseases. Mostly, young people suffer from heavy hair loss and truly they are distressed by this severe condition. It was then a novel idea of hair transplantation commenced to restore a more youthful appearance for those who suffer from hair loss.

Reportedly, the very first hair transplant surgery for baldness was performed in New York, back in 1952, It was performed by Dr. Norman Orentreich.

Today, a wide range of sophisticated technological advancements have been made in hair transplant surgery and treatment.

When it comes to hair transplants, people often are worried about its cost and further procedures. Let’s check it out now.

Hair Transplant

So, to talk about hair transplants, you just need to understand a few things. Hair transplant is a surgical technique used to remove hair follicles from one part of your body to place or transplant it in the other part which starts balding.

Mostly, this procedure is used to treat male pattern baldness. Hair transplantation is a minimally invasive treatment method and the logic behind it is simple. Grafts that contain hair follicles that are genetically resistant to balding are removed and further transplanted to the bald scalp, making it grow.

Image Source: Times of India

Other than bald scalps, hair transplantation is also used to reinstate eyelashes, eyebrows, beard hair, chest hair as well as pubic hair.

Hair Loss and its causes

Hair loss also known as Alopecia is caused when one’s immune system destroys the hair follicles or due to genetic problems, hormonal imbalance and other medical conditions.

It is more commonly found in men. Some people are worried about baldness and they prefer any treatment methods to get rid of baldness while some other prefer to let their hair loss continue by not treating it on time.

Can certain hairstyles or treatments cause hair loss?

Constantly changing the hairstyle may result in hair loss. Also, people who frequently wear tight caps are also prone to hair loss. Such kind of hair loss is termed traction alopecia. So, it is very important to keep your hair healthy by caring for it properly.

However, it is preferable to consult with your doctor about the cause of your hair loss and what treatment should you prefer to get rid of your hair loss.

Products & Services

It is very common for people to rely on different products and services to treat their hair fall as they think that such an act would help them reduce hair loss.

It is in fact not a bad decision, but not good at all. Because, when you start hair loss, you have to consult your doctor to rule out what is the reason behind it. Once it is cleared, then you can go for any products with the consent of your doctor.

What are some of the common causes for baldness?
  1. Hereditary Causes
hair transplant cost in kerala
Image Source: Genetic Literacy Project

Family history is the common cause that is associated with hair loss or baldness. And the condition is known as Androgenic Alopecia. If your father or grandfather is bald, chances are there for you to get affected by the same condition. Proper caring and timely treatment may help.

2. Hormonal Imbalance & Medical Conditions

Developing hormonal imbalances may result in baldness. It may be due to pregnancy, childbirth, menopause or thyroid diseases. Certain medical conditions also cause baldness.

3. Medications

Using certain medicines and drugs causes hair loss. People suffering from diseases like cancer, arthritis, depression, or heart problems may use certain medicines and this may cause hair fall in them.

4. Stress

People suffering from anxiety disorders or stress are more prone to heavy hair fall. An emotional shock is enough to do so. However, this kind of hair loss is temporary.

Is there any treatment for hair loss?

There are certain home remedies that people often choose for hair loss treatment. However, it is advisable for them to consult with a doctor before choosing any treatment method. Meanwhile, people frequently use certain medicines like finasteride and minoxidil to treat baldness after taking advice from a doctor. Because, it may sometimes cause side effects.

Preparations before your Hair Transplant Surgery

Once you get prepared for a hair transplant, there are certain things that you need to consider. Your surgeon will outline the comprehensive list of your do’s and don’ts that you should follow. Some of them are as follows:

  • Stop smoking
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Frequently massage your scalp
  • Do routine tests
  • Avoid blood thinners
  • Avoid caffeine
  • Wash hair with doctor prescribed shampoo
Things to avoid before surgery

Like said above, you need to stop smoking and consuming alcohol before the hair transplant surgery. It is also recommended to avoid some foods and medications while you get ready for the surgery.

Things to avoid on the day before surgery

On the day before the surgery, the patient must get adequate sleep. Get away from any stressful activities and make sure that you are not applying any hair spray, gel, or any cosmetic items on your hair. Any other medications are also not recommended.

Things to consider on the day of surgery

Check out the very important instructions you should follow on the hair transplant surgery day

  • Wash your scalp with shampoo (after consulting with your doctor)
  • Eat light food and also avoid caffeine
  • If you are a person using wig or any other hair accessories, avoid it on that day
  • Skip your workout
  • Avoid stress
Hair Transplant Procedure (FUE and FUT)

Since hair transplantation has become an ideal solution for many, experts have developed so many techniques which in one way or other help those who dream of a head full of hair. FUT and FUE hair transplant techniques are such innovations and have proven to be effective in hair loss treatment.

FUT means Follicular Unit Transplantation and FUE means Follicular Unit Extraction. They only differ in the reaping of grafts from the donor sites. Let’s check out the features

FUT is in fact a hair restoration technique in which a patient’s hair is naturally transplanted on the follicular units.

Advantages of FUT
  • It is cheaper
  • Short surgery time
  • Easy and hassle-free larger sessions
  • You can do it in the future as well
Disadvantages of FUT
  • Need stitches
  • Forms a scar
  • Healing time is long
  • More discomfort

FUE, also known as Follicular Unit Extraction is performed by collecting follicles from the patient’s skin and plants to other parts of the body where there is no hair.

Advantages of FUE
  • Short recovery time
  • No large scars
  • Stitches not required
  • Repeat visit not needed
  • Shorter healing time
Disadvantages of FUE
  • It is very expensive
  • Long operative period
  • Multiple sessions needed for extratction
  • A second FUE cannot be done in future
  • Difficult for larger areas
Image Source: ISHRS.ORG
Post Operative care
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption
  • Stop taking other medications
  • Avoid working out and strenuous activities at least for two weeks
  • Follow the routines which your surgeon prescribes.

Also Read: How much does it cost to treat Gynecomastia?

Cost of Hair Transplant in Kerala

The hair transplant cost in Kerala actually ranges between ₹25000 to ₹1 lakhs. This is calculated in accordance with the intensity of hair loss and baldness the patient carries. Also, the exact cost is calculated by multiplying the total number of grafts needed for the treatment and the rate per graft.

Number Of Grafts Average Costing Sittings Required
750-1000 Grafts Rs 25000 1 day
1000-1500 Grafts Rs 28000 1 day
1500-2000 Grafts Rs 35000 1 day
2000-2500 Grafts Rs 40000 1 day
3000-3500 Grafts Rs 45000 1 day

FUT/FUE Hair Transplant Cost in Kerala

Number Of Grafts AFUE RFUE FUT
1000-2000 Grafts Rs 20,000 – Rs 40,000 Rs 37,000 – Rs 50,000 Rs 30,000 – Rs 60,000
2000-3000 Grafts Rs 40,000 – Rs 60,000 Rs 50,000 – Rs 75,000 Rs 60,000 – Rs 90,000
3000-4000 Grafts Rs 60,000 – Rs 80,000 Rs 75,000 – Rs 1,00,000 Rs 90,000 – Rs 1,20,000
4000-5000 Grafts Rs 80,000 – Rs 10,000 Rs 1,00,000 – Rs 1,25,000 Rs 1,20,000 – Rs 1,50,000

Cost of FUT & FUE Hair Transplant Procedure outside Kerala

Cities in India for Minimum amount Maximum amount
Hair Transplant Cost in Delhi Rs 35000 Rs 50000
Hair Transplant Cost in Mumbai Rs 30,000 Rs 50,000
Hair Transplant Cost in Bangalore Rs 25000 Rs 45,000
Hair Transplant Cost in Chennai Rs 25000 Rs 50,000
Hair Transplant Cost in Kolkata Rs 30000 Rs 80,000
Hair Transplant Cost in Pune Rs 20000 Rs 50000


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